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Taxpayers may lose their tax deduction for a theft loss if they have a reasonable prospect of recovering all or a portion of the loss. In such cases, the theft loss deduction will be postponed unt ...
United States tax attorney, Richard S. Lehman has created many educational videos to help educate the public on United States taxation. This fifty-minute educational video is about getting tax ref ...
In this video, we’ll discuss a unique tax refund scenario related to Ponzi schemes. Imagine someone making money in a Ponzi scheme, and years later, when the scheme collapses, a trustee is appoint ...
Bernie Madoff’s Massive Ponzi Scheme: Bernie Madoff, a prominent figure in the international tax field, orchestrated a fraudulent investment scheme that deceived hundreds, if not thousands, of inv ...
It is important to remember that the IRS is not in business to give back money. The âSafe Harborâ (Rev. Proc. 2009-20) needs to be studied carefully, because it could be extremely expensive from a ...
A United States Tax Attorney and Cryptocurrency CPA may be the ideal team depending on your specific situation and needs. While there is some overlap in the services provided by tax attorneys and ...
The failure to deduct tax losses in the correct year and entering into settlements that may result in a reduced value of the loss are the two most significant errors that can lead to the loss of m ...
In 2008, the Internal Revenue Service was not ready to solve the Madoff disaster. However, they quickly did the best that they could and published two documents to at least help the victims of thi ...
The Ponzi Scheme is a theft loss, and is tax deductible in the year the loss is discovered. It is important to note, recently (January 24, 2023) the IRS updated questions on common digital assets ...
The Revenue Ruling 2009-9 and IRS Safe Harbor (Revenue Procedure 2009-20) In 2009, two important documents were issued by the IRS regarding the taxation of Ponzi schemes. In the Rev. Rul. 2009-9, ...
Richard S. Lehman has brought together a highly-skilled team of lawyers and investigators skilled in corruption and Panama's legal system to help all those facing upcoming financial and legal issues.

Richard S. Lehman, Esq., a United States tax attorney, has produced five complimentary video webinar presentations on important tax issues of the day for professionals and the public.